English Theatre „UNACCEPTABLE“
On 7th December 400 students visited a guest performance of the Vienna’s English Theatre at the city theatre Gmunden.
The new play by the experienced author Clive Duncan takes on an increasingly explosive topic: violence by children and young people against adults, especially parents and teachers. This problem, which is often taboo topic, has already been given the label “parental shock”. Feelings of guilt, shame, and helplessness on the part of victims often lead to cover-ups and therefore rarely to seeking professional advice. In "Unacceptable" the audience gets a glimpse into the lives of two teenagers who are going through their therapy in a psychiatric institution together.
Eventually Lee, a talented musician, and Frankie, with her lyrics and rapping, find a way to communicate with each other.
We enjoyed the performance and learned that “RESPECT” and “TRUST” are key issues. We should try to find out what people around us are thinking and feeling that can be surprising, upsetting, shocking, joyous, but most importantly, enlightening. It makes for a good society.
Text: Astrid Anlanger